Monday, March 16, 2009

The Tune Up

I believe this may have been the most painful period of the entire affair. Nothing could numb the pain in my head and I was completely miserable. The nurse sent for a neurosurgeon and it wasn`t long before one showed up. He sent me for another x-ray, this time with me in a seated position to see whether there was any compression of the neck. Everything was fine. I complained that it felt like the pins in my head were just too tight. "Could you just loosen them a bit? I asked. "On the contrary", the doctor said, "pain is usually felt when the pins are too loose and need to be tightened - we`ll need to do that later today". I couldn`t have been more horrified to hear this.

As promised, a pair of neuros showed up later that evening. They kicked my husband and sister out of the room and started prepping me for the event. Same old story: chopping block position, IV sedative, four shots of local anaesthetic to the head. I knew the drill, (no pun intended), and I knew it was going to be painful no matter how much they froze me. And it was - again particularly with regard to the pin behind my left ear which had proven to be problematic from the beginning. I have to say though that this doctor was gentle and compassionate and did everything he could to minimize the pain. I could have hugged him when it was finally over, and who knows, maybe I did, I don`t remember, buzzz, buzzz.. :) . As promised, much of the pain was relieved after the pins were tightened.

They gave me a day or so to rest after that and then sent over a couple of physiotherapists. It was time to get up and walk. My good friend "C" happened to be visiting with me that afternoon. Unfortunately, it wasn`t my greatest moment. My hair was a disaster, going in every possible direction, some of it sitting atop the halo, some finding its way beneath the metal bars on the side and in the back. I was pasty-faced, groggy, and ridiculously emotional (read: cry baby). I hadn`t yet seen myself in a mirror at this point so there`s a good chance it was even worse than I imagine.


  1. Hi Lise:

    I have to say that I thought you looked pretty damned good for someone who escaped what could have been. I was just so happy to be visiting you in the hospital instead of the funeral home. I am eternally grateful to still have my wonderful friend. Now if only you could get back to work!!


  2. Thanks C. Very generous of you to say so. I don`t think I have to tell you how much I appeciated your support - this time, as well as the other time.. Things will be back to normal soon and hopefully I`ll be able to get back to work before everyone forgets who I am :)
