Friday, March 20, 2009

Free At Last - Almost

After being confined in a halo vest for nine weeks, the feeling I experienced after it was finally removed from my body is nothing short of euphoria. And for several hours after, I couldn`t wipe the smile off my face. It was such a relief. I suddenly felt buoyant and light and.. normal again. I couldn't wait to put on a proper shirt or sweater; anything but an oversized hoodie. I took the longest and hottest shower of my life. Showering isn't quite as magnificent as it could be since I must leave the collar on, but it's miles better than no shower.

One of the first things I did that evening was sprawl on the couch to watch tv. I know that makes me sound slovenly, but sitting rod straight all the time gets old really fast. There may be a time and a place for sitting rod straight but on the couch watching tv isn't one of them. Another simple joy is being able to sleep on my side. My body yearned for this while in the halo. Although I was able to sleep on my side for short periods at a time, it took many weeks to get to that point. And side sleeping was only possible for very short periods. After a while, it caused painful pressure on the side rods and I had to return to my usual back position. I still have to be very careful when turning to my side, and my cervical collar has to be very secure, but it can be done.

The other thing I was desperate to do was colour my hair. My vanity took a major hit during my halo days and I was anxious to start looking more normal. I had to do the job myself, with my husband's help, since I am not able to drive yet, nor can I remove the collar to have my hair rinsed at a salon. The fiasco that ensued from that seemingly simple task could probably be the subject of a separate post. All I can say is...quelle mess. Picture two people in a not very big shower, one wearing a cervical collar wrapped in saran wrap and the other assisting to rinse out a head full of dye. The things my husband will do for me :)

I have not ventured out very much, other than the usual Saturday excursion, but I am surprised to see that people are still staring and still commenting. Compared to the monstrosity of the halo vest, I feel I look quite normal. But the stares I am continuing to get tell me that's not quite the case. Oh, well. Let them stare if they must. I'm just happy to be walking.

With the halo gone, there has been a huge improvement in my situation, but I have not forgotten the serious nature of my injury, and I know that I still have a ways to go before I am completely healed. Any attempts to jump ahead and try to do things I have been told not to do, result in a return of the pain in my neck. The fracture, coupled with the severe sprain, has left me with a range of motion in my neck that is presently very limited. I have only a couple of inches either way, but I am confident that this will improve in time. In the meanwhile, I have to accept that I am not quite there yet.

The good news is, (and there is always good news if you look), the days are getting longer and Spring is on it's way :) Soon I will be completely free, and will return to my normal life. For now, I will raise the window blinds high and let the glorious sun shine in.

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